
The Typography Blues (revisited)


Original Version

The Typography Blues


With apologies to George Gershwin: white man — particularly this one — can’t sing the blues.

With apologies to the listener: it’s rough and ready, words written and the four parts recorded in about an hour and a half. And I can’t sing the blues. Or even sing.



With apologies to Augustana; this comedy cover was put together in just four hours, so it’s a bit rough around the edges. But even I sound like Coldplay now.



Excerpts from the piano Toccata by Khatchaturian used to test a microphone arrangement on my upright piano.

Beneath An Empty Sky


Raven’s lyrical poetry; the improvised “radio edit” of the song.

Paranoia Infection (radio/karaoke edit)


The full version of Paranoia Infection was about twice as long and contained many verses of misanthropic lyrics. It was all written and recorded during the evening of 31st December 2007-1st January 2008. Part of the original soundtrack featured the sounds of fireworks in Old Trafford celebrating the New Year.

I particularly like the entry of the distorted guitars, but most especially the ring of the overdriven piano.


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